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am very busy with my present clients and do not have the capacity to take on any additional clients
You could ask my colleague Andreas Baier, he may still be able to fit you in:

Or you can find an English-speaking Steuerberater here (choose in “Fremdsprache”: englisch):

Clear and efficient German Tax Advice

Whatever you need with regards to German taxes:
→ You have questions about the German tax system?
→ You’re moving to Germany?
→ You’re an employee who was sent by his non-German employer to Germany?
→ You would like a tax refund?
→ You need/want to file a German tax return?
→ Get a German tax number by:
      – registering yourself as self-employed in Germany
      – registering your business partnership (Personengesellschaft)
      – registering your capital company (Kapitalgesellschaft)
→ You’re self-employed and need a certificate from a Steuerberater to get a work visa?
→ You want to know how Bitcoin are taxed?

You’re in the right place!
Contact me at:


Most frequent questions and answers

How much does it cost?

The cost is fixed by a law called the StBVV and generally depends on your income (only in a few rare cases will it be an hourly rate, but that hourly rate is also fixed by the law), so you won’t have any surprises. 

Most Steuerberater have their employees do part/all of the work, these employees usually just did a 3 year apprenticeship after they left secondary school and are not Steuerberater.
Well, it’s different with me: if you hire me, I will be the one doing all the work. No bait and switch.

If you are a consumer, i.e. if this is not about your business, you can have an initial consultation (= Erstberatung) at up to 190€ + 19% VAT, i.e. up to 226.10€ in accordance with §21 (1) StBVV, this will get you around 2 hours of my time (hourly rate 100€ + 19% VAT). If I need less time, you will pay less. 

If you are a business (no matter whether Kleinunternehmer, self-employed, partnership or company) and want an initial consultation, my hourly rate is still 100€ + 19% VAT.

If you then continue on as a client, what you paid for the initial consultation (no matter whether as a consumer or as a business) will be credited towards your next fee, but only if your questions were in the same area of activity as my ensuing service, e.g. if you had questions about income tax, the fee will reduce the fee for your income tax return.

I also offer two flat rate “Start your own business” packages:
  – standard 100€+19% VAT: register your business at the Finanzamt, get you a tax number and a VAT ID
  – deluxe 250€ + 19% VAT: standard package + 2 hours of consultation with me. 
If you then continue as my client, what you paid for the “Start your own business” package will reduce your next invoice no matter what the next invoice is for.

For further details and example cost calculations for bookkeeping and tax returns, please consult the “Cost” page.

Is everything you tell me confidential?

Yes, Steuerberater are bound by the same confidentiality rules as lawyers, see §203 (1) no. 3 StGB
So anything you tell me, or whatever I get to know about you, no matter whether this is about your business or your private life, I have to keep confidential.

How can you book a consultation?

I only offer consultations by e-mail or phone:
  – write me an e-mail:
  – call me: 
        089 – 215 48 752 (from within Germany)
        +49 – 89 – 215 48 752 (from outside Germany)

However, before we can go ahead, German money laundering law §8 GWG obliges all Steuerberater to identify their clients by getting a scan/photo/copy of their ID (this can be an EU identity card or your passport) and proof of their address (this is your Anmeldebestätigung if you live in Germany, otherwise just send me a copy of your utility bill). You can send them to me either by e-mail or by post:
        Anda Pfleger
        Budapester Str. 21
        81669 Munich

How do you pay me?

You will receive an invoice and if you already have a bank account in a SEPA country, you simply do a bank transfer into my bank account (details on my invoice).

If you don’t yet have such a bank account, you can send me the money by Paypal.

What’s the process once you hire me?

You provide data to me by e-mail (you never send me any originals) and I will do the work, for details please see the section “What’s the process?